Sarah's Story

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 8 – I take a bath

December 10 – I found out what that funny orange thing in the bathroom was….it is a play area with water! I wasn’t too sure of it at first. Mama put my cups in the orange tub and let me play with them in my clothes. Then when she thought I was ready, she started to take off my clothes. Let me tell you, I was not happy about that; what in the world was she doing?

Suddenly Mama picked me up and put my feet in the warm water. Curious. I realized that my cups were floating about, so I reached down and picked them up. I was amazed that water came out of holes in the bottom of the cup! I started to enjoy playing in the water. Then, Mama tried to make me sit in the tub. No Way! I let out a big scream to let Mama know that sitting in the warm water was not for me.

Mama grabbed a wash cloth and rubbed me with it while I stood. She even made a wash cloth shower on me while I played. After a while the water began to cool and Mama lifted me out of the orange tub and wrapped me in a towel. I guess taking a bath isn’t so bad.


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